Dear Valley Creative Writers,

You’re invited this Wednesday evening, May 29, to a social and info night for creative writers!

If you plan to attend, RSVP to me at asche (dot) kate (at) gmail (dot) com by 5:00 pm tomorrow, Tuesday evening–just so I make sure to have enough snacks!

Okay, the details:

I hope you’ll come out to say hi as we relax and mingle casually starting at 6:00 p.m. at ThinkHouse Collective (1617 18th Street in Sacramento). I will have a few light snacks and beverages on hand, and additional very modest contributions will be much appreciated–if you’re feeling pot-lucky! No pressure on that front, though–if the thought of having to bring something edible makes you less inclined to come, just forget about that and bring your most excellent self–and other writer friends, if you wish!

At 7:00 p.m., I will facilitate a discussion and Q&A  for anyone who wishes to learn more about options for writers who want to go deeper with their craft and/or broaden their writing relationships. I have received multiple questions lately about master degrees in creative writing (usually Master of Fine Arts, or MFA degrees), so we’ll start by looking at what kinds of MFA programs exist (and how to find that info) and why one might consider enrolling in one (and, if needed, the basic components of how–letters of rec, etc.). We’ll then expand the conversation to include rigorous non-degree program options, looking at both academic and community sources. We’ll further broaden our view by talking about writers’ conferences, group and manuscript coaching, and other options for honing skills and making friends.

We’ll wrap up by 8:00 p.m.

Can’t make it to this event, but have questions about these topics? Or just plain need more writing in your week? SummerWords kicks off at American River College this Thursday night–it’s a four-day writing conference that may be able to help you get some of this info. Plus you’ll get to learn and write with all kinds of fellow artists as you take advantage of American River College’s excellent creative writing faculty and the conference special guest speakers! Register here!

See you there!

Yours in writing,


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