Kate Asche paints encaustic works mixing media, collage and sometimes found objects. The encaustic process attracted her for a decade before she finally began painting in September 2022. During an ekphrastic poetry workshop taught by Susan Kelly-DeWitt, Kate found herself compelled to paint pieces in response to poems she was writing and to write poems in response to the paintings.

After a lesson from fellow poet-painter Bethanie Humphreys, Kate discovered the first incarnation of her visual language: mixed-media pieces incorporating image transfer, oil pastels and metallic pigments to explore female anatomy and physiology, the reproductive process, geography, and the natural world—especially the American River. Kate’s visual vocabulary is expanding as she plays with abstraction and associative collage through additional materials (found natural materials, inks and metal leaf) and processes (including lighting materials on fire and building more layers).While none of the paintings you see here are for sale, Kate will be delighted to paint you a fine art replica (an original copy) of a painting. Please contact her at kate@kateasche.com. She will be happy to customize your copy to any extent possible, including changing colors, using or not using metallic pigments or metal leaf, etc. She is also available to paint original compositions for commission. Prices for replicas and commissions start at $300 and are determined based on size, cost of materials and complexity of composition.