Kate is a trained facilitator in the Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA) Method and has taught creative writing in a variety of academic and community settings since 2005; she currently teaches workshops in Sacramento and provides manuscript coaching to writing groups and individuals. She volunteers locally as program director for the Sacramento Poetry Center’s annual spring conference and board member at large. Nationally, she has volunteered as a poetry book manuscript reader for Press 53 and reader for New England Review. Previously, she was associate director of Arts, Humanities and Writing at UC Davis Extension, where she coordinated The Tomales Bay Workshops under the direction of Pam Houston. Kate also helped to establish the award-winning I Street Press at Sacramento Public Library. She has volunteered as associate editor for Tule Review (a publication of Sacramento Poetry Center) and Under the Gum Tree, and as a reader for Memoir Journal. She supports Sacramento Public Library and helps to spread the word about 916 INK, a local youth literacy organization inspired by 826 Valencia.

Kate Asche, M.A., writes poetry, essays and short stories. A graduate of the UC Davis Creative Writing Program, she is a writing teacher and literary community builder in Sacramento, CA. Her first poetry collection, the chapbook Our Day in the Labyrinth, was published by Finishing Line Press in September 2015. Her poetry was recently published in Denver Quarterly, DIAGRAM and The Pinch, as well as in fine Northern California publications including Switchback, Canary, Santa Clara Review and Tule Review. Her poem for two voices was a finalist for the 2011 Audio Prize at The Missouri Review, and her poetry has appeared in Colorado Review, Natural Bridge, Bellingham Review, RHINO, the 2012 anthology Late Peaches: Poems by Sacramento Poets and elsewhere. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in Under the Gum Tree. She has received a grant to attend the 2017 Napa Valley Writers’ Conference and a fellowship to the 2015 Writing By Writers Workshops at Tomales Bay, as well as two Elliot Gilbert Prizes in Poetry and an Academy of American Poets Award.
In addition to her writing, teaching, editing and literary community building work, Kate is associate director of marketing for the International Programs at UC Davis School of Law. Kate brings her project management skills from this work into her individual and group coaching and workshops, to help writers at all levels achieve their personal goals.
Follow her and get the scoop on local writing events right here at www.kateasche.com or email her at kate (at) kateasche (dot) com.